Leg 1, Jul 23 – Aug 2, 2011, R/V Wecoma (W1107A)


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This leg is completed.  The following links provide detailed information:

Chief Scientists: Maya Tolstoy (LDEO), Anne Trehu (OSU)
Ports: Newport-Newport

The first deployment leg of the Cascadia Initiative will deploy 20 ocean bottom seismometers in shallow water (<1000 m) along the Cascadia margin. The primary deployment area will be the Northern Focussed Array off of Grays Harbor, WA. All 20 OBS will be installed in trawl-resistant mounts (TRMs) and will be deployed via the ship’s wire and recovered using a Remotely-Operated Vehicle (ROV). All 20 OBSs will be equipped with Nanometrics Trillium Compact seismometers. In addition to the seismometers, the OBSs will be equipped with Absolute Pressure Gauges (APGs).

It is anticipated that this expedition will NOT enter Canadian waters and a foreign vessel clearance form is not being requested.



Pre-cruise related Discussions

Outstanding Issues (see each page for comments/discussion)