Cascadia Initiative Expedition Team (CIET)

A team of scientists will lead oceanographic expeditions to deploy and recover CI Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBSs) and to develop relevant Education and Outreach modules. The team consists of:

  • Doug Toomey, Team Leader, University of Oregon
  • Richard Allen, University of California, Berkeley
  • John Collins, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Bob Dziak,OSU/NOAA, Newport, OR
  • Emilie Hooft, University of Oregon
  • Dean Livelybrooks, University of Oregon
  • Jeff McGuire, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Susan Schwartz, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Maya Tolstoy, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
  • Anne Trehu, Oregon State University
  • William Wilcock, University of Washington.


Ex Officio Members:

  • Rick Carlson, Texas A&M University


The PI team is knowledgeable about the science and operational objectives of the CI, includes individuals with chief scientist experience, ones who have not yet been to sea and representatives from both the EAR and OCE communities. It is anticipated that there will be berths for students, post-docs and other scientists to participate in either deployment or recovery legs, thus providing the seismological community with opportunities to gain valuable experience in planning and carrying out an OBS experiment. Funding and ship time for the deployments and recoveries of OBS will be supported primarily by the Ocean Sciences Division of NSF.

CIET Action Items