Day 4 – Friday the 28th

Hello everyone. It’s Katie blogging in English.

Its Friday morning at 00:47AM and I am currently working the graveyard/night watch (00:00 – 04:00). As Lexie mentioned, people that get sea sick is random and unfortunately, I was one of those people. I am happy to report that everyone who got sick seems to have gotten their sea legs and acclimated. Now that my health is back, I have been enjoying the delicious meals prepared for us – a huge upgrade from the saltine crackers I was living off of before. I also enjoyed observing the Jason recovering yesterday (Thursday 27th). I sat with several other people in one of the science labs watching the feed from the cameras that are mounted on the Jason. It is pretty amazing to see all of the wild life as the Jason descends throughout the water column. We saw a squid swim by the main camera, lots of clear gelatinous creatures, sea stars, crabs and various species of fish. The ocean floor at ~900 m at the station yesterday was quite soft and the OBS that we had to recover was slightly burried around its edges. We also noticed flakes of the white paint of the OBS on the sea floor – someone on the OBS team explained that the biofouling paint is designed to flake off when algae attaches and accumulates on the OBS. The recovery went successful and now we are currently in transit to our next station and hoping to begin another recovery around 05:30.

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